
Showing posts from September, 2019

Android App Radio Lombok FM for iPhone

Category: ENTERTAINMENT Developer name: KLIKHOST APK Check: 2019-09-25 03:08:45 Download: 1.000 Version code: 1 PPrice: Free Operating System: 4.0 Dengarkan Radio Lombok FM dari mana saja dan kapan saja Listen to FM Radio Lombok from anywhere and anytime Version: 1.0

Download 善養小童成大同 APK link

Category: PARENTING Developer name: EDiversity PPrice: Free App ID: org.ediversity.pfpw Version code: 24 關於計劃 「善養小童成大同 ─ 共構 ‧ 童行」親職教養計劃始於澳洲心理治療師顧樂本先生(Robin Grille)薈萃15年研究成果撰寫而成的教養書《善養小童成大同》(Parenting for a Peaceful World)。本計劃由核心夥伴及資助機構陳廷驊基金會撥款支持,家長發起的非牟利團體教育大同統籌,並邀得香港心理學會註冊輔導心理學家何善韻博士擔任顧問。計劃內容糅合《善養小童成大同》的主軸思想及何善韻博士於親職輔導領域的臨床經驗,是香港鮮有以促進家長持續自我反思父母身分、核心價值及社會責任為目標的親職教養計劃。 本計劃希望透過家長教育、培訓活動及手機互動程式,拓闊香港父母在親職教養觀念上的視野,啟發他們在養育下一代的過程中不斷反思,繼而以不同角度了解「善養」的深層意義。同時,藉著計劃協助香港父母適應子女的發展需要,向他們闡釋其與自身、孩子、伴侶、其他照顧者、家人、家族、鄰舍、社區、社會以至世界的聯繫的重要性,攜手共構更適合孩子生活的環境,建設和諧新世界,達致書中提出「改變童年就是改變世界」的理念。 計劃主題 1. Connecting with the child 連繫孩子 2. Connecting with oneself 連繫自身 3. Connecting with one's partner 連繫伴侶 4. Connecting with other caregivers 連繫其他照顧者 5. Connecting with the family 連繫家人 6. Connecting with the kin 連繫家族 7. Connecting with the neighborhood 連繫鄰舍 8. Connecting with the community 連繫社區 9. Connecting with the society 連繫社會 10. Connecting with the world 連繫世界 計劃團隊 陳廷驊基金會 陳廷驊基金會於1970年由陳廷驊博士創立。陳博士是一位虔誠的佛教徒,一生熱心公益,並以支持利...

香港賽馬收音機 Android for Switzerland

Title: 香港賽馬收音機 Operating System: 4.0 Version: AlphagoJC4. PPrice: Free Update Date: 2019-09-22 香港賽馬賽事 澳門賽馬賽事 澳門逸園賽狗會 澳門綠邨 AM783 The Hong Kong Jockey Race Macau Jockey Race Macau Plaza Park greyhound will Macao Green Village AM783 Category: ENTERTAINMENT Download: 50.000 APK Check: 2019-09-25 03:08:25 Developer name: Pets Republic File Size: Varies with device Version code: 480380

Download Game Square Swipe APK Android

Square Swipe is an easy to play arcade game,its a test of your fast response. How To Play : Swipe the Squares in the right direction. Beat Your Score or Compete Globally in Square Swipe Leaderboard! Version code: 13 PTitle: Square Swipe 1.1 APK PPrice: Free Developer name: Sushant Shekhar APK Size: 8615979 File Size: 8.2M Download: 1.000 Category: GAME_ARCADE

Download free 샘터봉사회 2.1

Download: 500 App ID: Category: SOCIAL APK Size: 681494 Title: 샘터봉사회 Operating System: 4.0 APK Check: 2019-09-25 05:35:09 샘터봉사회에서 현재 활동하고 있는 회원들을 위한 전용 어플입니다. Fountain in the currently active members of the society dedicated app. Developer name: 샘터봉사회 Version code: 190911

Virus Cleaner 2020 - Antivirus, Cleaner & Booster APK for Sony Xperia

PPrice: Free Version: APK Size: 24747517 Title: Virus Cleaner 2020 - Antivirus, Cleaner & Booster Update Date: 2019-09-24 Virus Cleaner 2020 (Virus Cleaner, Junk Clean, App Lock & Booster) is one of the \ud83c\udfc6TOP rated (4.7\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605\u2605) free antivirus and security applications for Android phone, enjoyed by 93.5 million users worldwide. 

 Virus Cleaner 2019's Key Features 

 Twin Engine Antivirus -Virus Cleaner Super Cleaner - Remove all junk and cache files effectively 
 Phone Booster - Significantly boost your device to get it running faster and smoother 
 CPU Cooler - Optimize CPU usage and shut down overheating apps to cool down CPU temperature
 File Scan - Scan both the internal and SD card 
App Lock - Protect sensitive apps with well-designed themes
 Notification Cleaner - Manage and organize notifications
 WiFi Security - Test your WiFi speed and protect online safety
 Safe Browsing - 24/7 online security protection 

Virus Clean...

MicroPayments GS 2.0.5 APK for USA

Title: MicroPayments GS Download: 10.000 Operating System: 4.4 Category: FINANCE PPrice: Free APK Size: 16973511 App ID: com.heartland.micropaymentsgs The MicroPayments GS Payment App allows a user to pay for their laundry, directly from their smart phone, at participating laundry locations. Users can track and manage their laundry account balance, start washers and dryers, It is fast, easy, and convenient. File Size: 9.4M Update Date: 2019-09-18

Free app Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooter Tablet

Earth's last hope is in your hands, take control of the lone spaceship and protect Earth from alien swarms. Your goal will be quite challenging as you will have to save the Universe from its evil enemies. In this space shooting game, you will be facing an increasingly large number of enemies in hazardous environments. As the game progresses, you will earn the right to upgrade your spacecraft to unleash its full lethal capacity. HOW TO PLAY: * Touch screen to move and kill all enemies. * Collect items to upgrade or change your weapons. FEATURES: * Multiplayer mode: 1 vs 1, 1 vs 3 * High quality images optimized for tablets and large screens. * Ability to use active skills during the space battles. * The game is packed with 160+ levels on various difficulties. * Beautiful levels with immersive missions to complete. * Multiple extreme boss battles. * Upgrade your guns and lasers. Enjoy classic space combat - powered up. Download Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooter now! Follow us on Facebook:...

[CHECKED] Install 모두의소방

Title: 모두의소방 Category: EDUCATION APK Check: 2019-09-25 05:34:49 PTitle: 모두의소방 2.5.0 APK APK Size: 18801601 Operating System: 4.0.3 Update Date: 2019-09-23 노량진에서 검증된 정태성교수님을 비롯한 정태성소방팀과 소방 최강 강사진! 수강생 70%를 합격생으로 배출한 정태성 교수님, 소방영어 1위 이리라 교수님이 함께하는 모두의소방 사이트에서 수강 중인 강의를 언제, 어디서나 스트리밍과 다운로드를 통해 플레이어에서 수강해보세요! (단, 로그인, 모바일 수강권 구매 필요) \u2605 모두의소방 특징 \u2605 - 합격으로 검증된 초호화 스타 강사진 (정태성, 이리라, 최강석, 김종우, 문명) - 소방공무원 초시생 맞춤 가이드 제공 - 과목별 기초 입문 특강 커리큘럼 제공 - 초시생 맞춤 소방 입시설명회 개최 - 온라인 모의고사 제공 \u2605 앱 주요 기능 소개 \u2605 1. 인터넷 연결, 데이터요금 걱정 없는 강의 다운로드 미리 다운로드 보관함에 받아두신 강의는 Wi-fi나 데이터가 없어도 수강 하실 수 있습니다. (단, 로그인 필요) 2. 사용하기 간편한 재생화면 컨트롤 상하, 좌우 제스쳐만으로도 재생화면의 밝기, 볼륨, 구간이동이 조절됩니다. 3. 나의 복습, 반복 학습에 최적화된 배속조절 속도조절 기능으로 0.5 ~ 4.0 배까지 인강을 학습하기 적절한 속도로 조절해보세요. 동영상 배속 조절 기능으로 빠르게 반복하며 복습할 수 있습니다. 4. 마지막 수강강의 자동 이어보기 내가 강의를 어디까지 봤더라? 할 필요 없어요. 수강 중인 강의를 자동으로 이어서 보실 수 있습니다. * 앱 이용 시 주의사항 * - 스트리밍 및 강의 다운로드 시 Wi-fi 환경에서 이용하셔야 과도한 데이터 요금이 부과되지 않습니다. - 다운로드 시 스마트폰/태블릿에 저장공간이 넉넉한지 확인 후 이용해주세요. =============================...

Download 청소연구소 - 가사도우미, 청소, 청소도우미 2.73 APK for Android

APK Size: 8937789 Version: 2.73 App ID: PPrice: Free \u2605 현재 “서울, 성남, 부천, 고양, 광명, 인천(일부), 용인(수지,기흥), 구리, 하남, 안양, 의정부, 군포, 과천, 의왕,수원”에서 서비스 예약이 가능합니다. 수원 확장 오픈!! 청소연구소를 이용하고 사랑해주신 많은 고객님들께 감사의 말씀을 드리며, 수원도 서비스 지역으로 오픈하였습니다. 점차 많은 지역에서 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 집청소 하기 힘드셨죠? 청소매니저를 만나는 가장 쉬운 방법, 청소연구소의 생활청소 서비스를 만나보세요. \u25a0 꼼꼼한 검증 교육을 수료한 꼼꼼한 검증과정을 거친 매니저(가사도우미)와 함께 합니다. \u25a0 표준화된 서비스 가이드 주방, 화장실, 방, 거실 각 영역별로 표준화된 가이드에 맞춰 청소해 드립니다. 매니저(가사도우미)가 달라져도 걱정하지 마세요. \u25a0 간편한 예약 전화로 설명할 필요없이 앱에서 날짜, 결제, 요청사항 입력까지 간편하게 예약할수 있습니다. \u25a0 배상책임보험 청소연구소의 매니저(가사도우미)는 모두 배상책임보험에 가입되어 있습니다. 안심하고 서비스를 맡겨주세요. \u25a0 홈페이지: \u25a0 카카오톡ID: @청소연구소 고객센터 \u25a0 블로그: \u2605 Service reservations are available now at "Seoul, Seongnam, Bucheon, Goyang, Gwangmyeong, Incheon (part of), Yongin (Suweon, Giheung), Guri, Hanam, Anyang, Uijeongbu, Gunpo, Gwacheon, Uiwang and Suwon". Suwon Expansion Open !! We would l...

CoinBene Android for Spain

File Size: 20M App ID: com.coinbene.manbiwang Download: 10.000 Developer name: CoinBene Limited Operating System: 5.0 PTitle: CoinBene 2.4.5 APK APK Check: 2019-09-25 06:28:56 CoinBene App is a convenient, professional, safe, stable and reliable global digital currency exchange, providing real-time quotes for Bitcoin BTC, Ethereum ETH, Litecoin LTC, and other currency transactions. Feature of product 1. Multiple transactions: BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, LTC/USDT, BCH/USDT; ETH/BTC, LTC/BTC 2. Professional chart line, providing professional charts 3. Swift deposit & withdraw 4. 7*24*365 customer service Contact us Email: Version code: 42 Update Date: 2019-09-24

Download TOOLS Phone APK

Improve your calling experience and call control by updating the Phone app for your Android 7.0 (Nougat) or newer device. You’ll get Call Screen, Google Duo video calling, spam protection, and caller ID. CALL SCREEN Avoid unwanted calls - Screen spam, scams and other unwanted calls. Get real-time transcription and block unwanted callers so you never hear from them again. (Available in US English on Pixel devices) GOOGLE DUO VIDEO CALLS To make the highest quality one-to-one video call, simply tap from the call log, search, or contacts card. Easily switch a voice call to a Duo video call with Google Duo installed and activated. SPAM PROTECTION AND CALLER ID See warnings about potential spam callers and report suspicious calls to help protect the community from telemarketers, fraudsters, and spammers. Block numbers to prevent them calling you again. VISUAL VOICEMAIL Check your messages without having to call voicemail - view, playback and delete them right from the Phone app and download...

Game Nimo TV – Play. Live. Share. APK for Kindle

APK Size: 57217096 ---------ABOUT NIMO TV--------- A leading global platform that allows millions of gamers from all around the world to play and broadcast their games to other like-minded players. Nimo TV is a community of players, gamers, and fans that drive conversation, and allows peer-to-peer rewards and recognition. Utilising high-quality interactive technology, audiences can interact with streamers, and gain access to exclusive E-Sports events and tournaments, along with unprecedented access to the top streamers from across the region. ---------INTRODUCTION TO NIMO TV--------- Never play alone. Join the latest dynamic community of gamers where millions of players gather on their games and devices, interact on a daily basis, and catch the best and brightest in the casual and professional gaming scene around the world. As players hone their skills and craft in popular video games, regardless of platforms, audiences can join in on the fun and action. Come join the experience by vie...

APK App Learn Russian with MosaLingua for BB, BlackBerry

PPrice: Free Operating System: 4.4 Update Date: 2019-09-24 Download: 50.000 APK Size: 20022620 Title: Learn Russian with MosaLingua So, you want to learn Russian, but don't have much time to spare? You need MosaLingua! Innovative and efficient, our application has helped more than 7 million people all over the world learn languages in just 10 minutes a day - with real results! MosaLingua is highly recommended by the media and numerous language blogs: --- selected among the 5 best apps in the world for language learning --- --- it really works --- --- MosaLingua isn't just one person's success story, it's a revolution --- Learn more about MosaLingua by watching our video on Try our smartphone application for free: you'll see for yourself how well it works! It's a powerful and effective tool - ideal for people who want to start speaking Russian quickly, without traditional, boring language classes. It's useful in any situation: our meth...